If you would like to be a better scriptwriter then we have some great exercises for you which are going to significantly improve you ability to write conversations, to develop characters and which will help your overall creativity. Every single scriptwriter needs to practice so never think that you shouldn’t, even the great writers like Roger Wolfson has spoken about the level to which he practices on top of his already busy workload, and if it is good enough for someone of that level, it is good enough for all of us. If you seriously wish to improve, here’s some exercises which will help.
Character Practice
Character are always and have alway been the most important aspects of any story and this is why it will make a lot of sense for you to hone this skill and learn how best to develop characters which you will have in your story. Now when it comes to character development we are talking about way more than just what they look like or what job they do. You have to explore layers of the character such as where they are from, what their family history is, why are they in the story, where are they going and what character traits and nuances do they have? All fo these are i important questions which we want to know about our characters.
Partner Plot
If you have a fellow student or a friend who is also interested in writing then a partner plot is a great thing to do which will help you to boost your creativity. What you should do here is to both write down a basic premise for a plot, and then find the way of making it work regardless of what each other has put. For example it may be that you wish to write a story about a family of immigrants struggling to make it in their new home, and your partner may wish to write a comedy about a vets, mash them up and get creative. This will help you with your team work and your creativity.
Rewrite a Scene
It may be easy to watch a TV show or a movie and think that you can do better, and if you do think that, then give it a try. Take a scene from your fave show or movie and rewrite it using the same characters, just in your own words. Alternatively if you are feeling really brave, write a whole new scene altogether which you would slot into that movie or show to make it better. This is nowhere near as easy as you think it may be and although you already have the characters developed for you, it doesn’t make it simple and it will test you a great deal.
If you give these three tasks a go and keep on practicing you will see huge progress in your ability write scripts, the key is working hard on them and giving it your best.