The holidays are a fantastic time to visit friends and family, but booking those holiday trips can be a major headache. Getting from point A to point B can become incredibly expensive, but it shouldn’t be. With the right planning, you can book a fantastic trip for a great price.
Getting the best price for holiday tickets sounds impossible, but there is actually a process that ensures the best price. The right time to buy a price definitely depends on the holiday. To get home by Christmas, you should probably purchase your flight during the week of November 21st. Booking during this week can save you 6.41%. Travel companies around the country are constantly checking their data from previous years. The data from 2015 revealed that flights taking place between December 19th and December 25th were cheapest during the week before Thanksgiving. By thinking ahead you can save 6%, so act quickly.
What should you do if you forget to book your flight? Fortunately, holiday flights tend to remain fairly cheap in the following week. If you book your flight during the week of November 28th, then you can still save 2%, but you might want to wait. The following week, tickets should drop even more, allowing you to save around 5%. Buying during these three weeks guarantees you a great price.
Many people travel for Christmas, but the airports quickly face a second wave of people flying for New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is a huge event, whether you are traveling home to ring in the new year with family, or going to New York to watch the ball drop. Flying for New Year’s can prove incredibly expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. The best time to book a ticket for New Year’s Eve is the week of December 5th. You can save around 10% when you book during this week. If you book the week before, then you can save about 4%. Booking during the weeks of December 19th and December 26th can save you almost 7%. You have a large window to book your tickets for New Year’s, but you don’t want to wait too long. Tickets will become extremely expensive during the week before New Years. Act quickly and you can save a great deal.
Christmas and New Years are high demand times, but Thanksgiving is the worst time of year to fly. Booking a flight for Thanksgiving is a nightmare-inducing task. The best time to buy Thanksgiving flight tickets is usually six to eight weeks before turkey day. Start looking at tickets in mid-September, and be ready to purchase them before the end of the month. Tickets will increase significantly before Thanksgiving, and can quickly become unaffordable. If you are responsible, then you will book a reasonably priced flight.
The holidays are a stressful time, and everyone should get to spend this time with their friends and family. Be strategic about booking your flight, and you are sure to have a great time. If you need help paying for your flight, then do not hesitate to get a car title loan.